Information from the publisher
Eureka Math is a holistic math curriculum that is built around the concept that students need to know more than just how to solve math problems. They need to know why the math works. I have taught many different math curriculums, but I have always had my own methods as well to help students understand the why of math. Eureka Math is the first curriculum I have used that almost perfectly matches the methods I have always used. It helps students understand math in a way that sets them up for years of success in math, both in school and in the real world. It encourages students to use varying mental strategies while solving problems. The process is as important as the correct answer.
We have seven modules in third grade:
- Module 1: Properties of multiplication and division and solving problems with units of 2-5 and 10
- Module 2: Place value and problem-solving with units of measure
- Module 3: Multiplication and division with units of 0, 1, 6-9, and multiples of 10
- Module 4: Multiplication and area
- Module 5: Fractions as numbers on the number line
- Module 6: Collecting and displaying data
- Module 7: Geometry and measurement word problems
Every third grade Eureka Math lesson consists of six parts: Fluency Practice, Concept Development, Exit Ticket, Application Problem, Student Debrief, and Homework.
Fluency Practice
Every lesson starts with fluence practice to support fluency skills development to remain sharp on previously studied skills, preparation for the current topic, and anticipation to ensure students are ready for more complex learning in future lessons.
Concept Development
This portion of the lesson focuses on new content studies, based on the clear learning objective of the day. It consists of instructional time involving discussion and reflection. Students work through carefully arranged problems on their whiteboards to begin developing mastery through a steady increase in complexity. Throughout the lesson, I encourage students to say “Eureka!” when something makes sense to them. There are usually lots of “Eurekas” during concept development! At the end of concept development, students have 10 minutes to work select problems on their Problem Set for additional practice.
Exit Ticket
This is their “ticket” to exit the concept development by showing their understanding of the new concept. As they are working on their exit ticket, I walk around the room and try to notice anything that I may need to reteach or further clarify.
Application Problem
This component allows students to apply their understanding and skills in new ways. They use the Read-Draw-Write (RWD) to understand the problem, draw a model, and write the answere in a complete sentence. Sometimes the application problem precedes the concept development, functioning as a springboard into the day’s new learning, and sometimes it comes after concept development as a learning extension.
Student Debrief
Every lesson ends with a debrief. This is a group discussion where ideas are shared, and a conclusion is made about whether the clear learning objective of the day was achieved. During this time, I can gauge the students’ understanding of the lesson.
On Mondays through Thursdays, students will take home their problem set that they worked on in class, a homework sheet that is very similar to the problem set, and a homework helper sheet designed to help parents understand how the lesson concept was presented in class. Students can use the problem set if they need to remember how they did the problems in class. Homework is always reviewed the following morning before the next lesson, when students have the opportunity to ask questions and ask for clarification on any parts of it that they may have struggled with.
Additional information on the topics taught in Eureka Math can be found on the Math Newsletters page on this website.