You and your children have the opportunity to order great books at great prices through Scholastic book clubs. Scholastic is somehow able to sell these books at very low prices. In some cases, new books that are only available as hardcover in book stores are available as paperbacks through scholastic at much lower prices.

You are not only getting great deals on books when you order through Scholastic, but you are also helping our class earn points. Nearly all of the books in our classroom bookshelves were free through the points we accumulated. The more you order, the more free books we get!

When your child brings new book order forms home and you would like to order books, you can send the forms back to school with a check or cash (no coins please), but it is more convenient to order online. There is a wider selection of books online.

Here’s how online ordering works:

  • The first time you order books online you will need to register an account and link it to our classroom (if you have already registered, just sign in). Go to and click on “Create an Account” at the top right corner. Then select “Parent/Family Member/Guardian.” You will then enter the one-time class activation code GX34V. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to our classroom.
  • When you return for another order, all you need to do is sign in to your account, which will already be linked to our classroom.
  • Select the books you’d like to order.  
  • Submit your order by the due date and your child’s books will be delivered directly to our classroom.